Business Name
Business Name Registration or Transfer.
A sole trader only needs to register a business name if you are not trading under their legal name, Eg. "John Smith" or with a company (Pty Ltd) the corporation's legal name, Eg. "My Company Pty Ltd".
This means trading as "John Smith's Cars" or "My Company" without the "Pty Ltd" requires a register a business name.
A Sole Trader or Corporation must register a Business Name for each name it uses when trading.
New Business Name - Australian Business Number (ABN) for Sole Trader or Corporate Entity includes the following registration options:-
Business Name Search with IP Australia, ASIC and Domain Register to ensure availability and compliance.
Australian Business Number Registration
First year of Business Name registration. (3 years option available)
Tax File number for Corporate Entities
Employer Registration (If Required)
GST Registration (Supplied unless informed otherwise)
Transfer - (When you sell your business name to another entity)
Creation of Transfer Code
Transfer of ownership to existing Sole Trader or Corporation with and ABN
First year of Business Name registration (3 years option available)
You need to provide:
Business Name to be registered.
Name of owner and ABN.
Address of Business and contact information.
Non Member - $495(2 Year's registration)
Member - $395 (2 Year's registration)
DIY Business Name Registration
Decided to start your own business and want to do your own business name registration? This helpful tutorial explains the process to register a business name. This includes establishing an ASIC Connect Account and linking your business name. There is a registration fee payable to ASIC that can be paid by credit card or BPAY.