Business Name

Business Name Registration or Transfer.

A sole trader only needs to register a business name if you are not trading under their legal name, Eg. "John Smith" or with a company (Pty Ltd) the corporation's legal name, Eg. "My Company Pty Ltd".  

This means trading as "John Smith's Cars" or "My Company" without the "Pty Ltd" requires a register a business name.  

A Sole Trader or Corporation must register a Business Name for each name it uses when trading. 


New Business Name - Australian Business Number (ABN) for Sole Trader or Corporate Entity includes the following registration options:-

Transfer -  (When you sell your business name to another entity)

You need to provide:


DIY Business Name Registration

Decided to start your own business and want to do your own business name registration? This helpful tutorial explains the process to register a business name. This includes establishing an ASIC Connect Account and linking your business name.  There is a registration fee payable to ASIC that can be paid by credit card or BPAY.