It's about Respect, Trust and Fairness
Like all things these days, we need to be legally responsible. So below is the small print for your consideration. While this is all important, what you should discover from reading these "Terms and Conditions", it's about a level of mutual respect, trust and a fair use of the facilities / services on offer.
Thank you
Gordon Kay
CEO - Adelaide Hills Business Centre
The Adelaide Hills Business Centre is a private entity not funded or backed by Federal, State or Local Government.
These Terms and Conditions apply to all dealings with the Adelaide Hills Business Centre and supersedes, replaces and extinguish all other terms, conditions or imposed tasks that you, a corporate, government or incorporated body may wish to apply in writing or verbally to the Adelaide Hills Business Centre.
The Adelaide Hills Business Centre provides its Services on its terms and conditions, as set out below. For the purpose of clarity, this also applies to Federal, State and Local Government departments and / or educational providers both private and government in that any purchase orders stating replacement terms including any counter terms are not accepted by the Adelaide Hills Business Centre and as such all Services shall solely be provided on the terms as set out below without further notice.
1. Definitions and Meanings
Italicised text is for readability purposes and does not form part of these Terms.
‘AHBC’ means the Adelaide Hills Business Centre, 82 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside, South Australia 5244.
‘Terms’ means the following paragraphs that describe the agreement between the User and the AHBC.
'Services' means the provision of business related services or products including Events, Programs, etc. It does not include SaaS services.
'Online Services' mean Services that are offered online by the AHBC.
'SaaS' are services associated with "Software as a Service". SaaS normally includes such services as Domain registrations, Hosting, and Google services but are not limited to such SaaS.
'Notice' or 'Notification' means email sent to info@adelaidehillsbc.com.au with confirmation of receipt from the AHBC or as instructed by an appropriate online form located on the AHBC's website, www.adelaidehillsbc.com.au.
'Fee' or 'Rate' means the cost associated with services, including SaaS. Most fees are published on the AHBC's website, www.AdelaideHillsBC.com.au.
'Invoice' means a "Tax Invoice" that is payable for Services and SaaS provided by the AHBC to the User.
'Credit' means a sum of money that will be held on behalf of the User by the AHBC until it can be credited against a new Invoiced Service for the User.
'Refund' means a payment sent to the User using the same method and account details as the payment was received by the AHBC.
'Special Conditions' mean a set of special terms that will form part of these Terms as and when implemented by the AHBC or when enforced by law by Council, State of South Australia or the Commonwealth governments.
All references to the plural shall also mean the singular, and to the singular shall also mean the plural, unless the context otherwise requires.
2. Removed
3. Removed
4. Payment
Personal, business or bank cheques are not an acceptable form of payment.
Overdue accounts (Non payment on or before the Due Date) may be charged a $20 account processing fee or 1.5% of the Invoice total, whichever is the higher for each month overdue, with any discounts removed and adjusted to the full rate.
The "Due Date" for payment is within 7 days of the Invoice date or as specified on the Invoice.
All cost to recover unpaid Invoices or other fees will be at the User's or Customer's expense.
5. Bookings, Programs, Events and Services
A Fee applies at time of booking an Event, Program or Service and payable on issued Invoice.
No Refunds or Credits are provided after an Event Booking or Program enrols, unless the Event or Program is cancelled by the AHBC.
6. Software As A Service (SaaS)
Payment associated with renewals of SaaS services such as Google Workspace, Domains registrations, Domain Host etc are due by the renewal date as stated on the AHBC invoice.
If payment are not received by the renewal date, the SaaS service will be terminated.
The User and owner of such SaaS services assumes full responsibility for any lost or damage associated with their failure to maintain the SaaS services
It is the User's responsibility to ensure all SaaS profiles, contact details and billing details are maintained and current to avoid lost or closure of service.
The AHBC will not assume responsibility for the User's failure to maintain their SaaS services in accordance to the providers terms. Links to Domain and Google Workspace Terms are located on the FAQ web page.
If you have forgotten your username and / or password, refer to our FAQ section on recovery methods.
7. Removed
8. Out of AHBC's Control
User agrees when events happen outside the AHBC's control such as Force Majeure, Fire, Strike, Accident, Natural Disaster, Epidemics, Pandemics, Special Conditions or the inability to supply due to third parties failure then the User relieves the AHBC of its obligations and is not liable for any delay or failure to meet its obligations. The User and the AHBC agree that it will endeavour to meet such obligations as soon as possible after such an event occurring.
The User agrees that the AHBC may elect to cancel Events, Programs or other scheduled services as a result of a few enrolments or the inability to facilitate. In such situations, Users will be Refunded or Credited the amount paid by the User for the set service.
9. Changes
The User acknowledges that the AHBC reserves the right to change, modify or update these Terms, Fees and services as the AHBC sees fit.
Any such changes will be made with reasonable notice via email or the AHBC's website www.adelaidehillsbc.com.au.