Tech Support

Google Workspace, Domain Registrations, Hosting Services, Websites and other business application

Tech Support

Technical support services are available for a range of Online SaaS such as Google Workspace, Xero, and domain hosting. 

Please use the Connect form to register your tech support request.


Free  (see note below)

There is no fee for this service unless the level of required support exceed 20 minutes per request or if a total of 1 hour of support per calendar month has been exceeded.  Thereafter, $125 per hour for the extra time provided. 

Free support, is offered to members when the request is registered via the Connect form on this page using :-

Google & Domains Rates:

Members Free Support

The first ten minutes are free and limited to two free support sessions per month, thereafter $25 per ten-minute session.   Most calls or emails can be addressed within yen minutes

Please use the Connect form to register a phone call back and email reply.