DIY Registration & Facts

DIY Facts & Links

Follow in order each of the steps below to save time, money and disappointment

Step 1 - Research, Plan and Search

Search ASIC business name register to determine if your proposed business name is available.

Search your proposed business name or product name to ensure it's not owned by others.

Search if a suitable domain name is available. You will need to wait until you have an ABN to register and don't over look and .au Top Level Domain (TLD) Names.

Step 2 - Business Plan & Budget

This is the best time to start a business plan. Identify and plan how your business will look and interact with other, the opportunities and threats for success, and what you expect to generate and spend.

Understand the purpose and structure of a business plan

Business Plan Tools

AHBC member have access to a wide range of business templates including a Business Plan, Budget worksheets and product calculator.

Step 3 - Types Of Businesses

Get it right, understand what's involves and your level of protection

View our comparison chart between Sole Trader, Company and Trust structures.

Company Considerations

Additional information on company types and selecting a company with a Constitution or Replaceable Rules

Partnerships are state governed business structure involving a number of people carry on a business together.

Step 4 - ABN

The ABN is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business or organisation to others. You must have an ABN before you can apply for a business name

An ABN is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business and you must register if you are conducting a business.

Update your details online or by contacting the ABR. If your business structure changes you may need to cancel your ABN.

Step 5 - Register a Business Name

Watch the video to know if you need to register a business name and how.

If you are not trading under your legal name or the full corporate name, you will be required to register a business name.  Cost from $34 per year with ASIC (Government department)

Step 6 - PAYG, GST & TFN

AUSkey have been replaced with MyGov & RAM

You can register for goods and services tax (GST) online, by phone or through an agent

As a payer, you may need to withhold amounts from payments you make to

Companies, trusts, partnerships and many other organisations can apply for a tax file number

Step 7 - Register a Domain Name

Register your domain name along with other names that you wish to protect. 

Step  8 - Trade Mark

If you wish to protect your band and / or business name from others, consider a trademark.

Provide details on "what is" and "why" a trade mark. Costing, protection period and how to apply are also outlined

An easy step by step tool for trade mark applications. 

Search for other trademarks

Find the Class that describes your product or service

DIY Videos

Business structures

View the ATO web page & video the explains business structures available to you when starting a business. 

ABN Entitlements

ABNs are for business. Not everybody needs one. 

View the ABR web page & video to understand your entitlement

Trade Mark Classes

Protect your products and service by classification

Intellectual Property

Common types of IP you’re likely to encounter as a small business owner. Patents, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright