Have You Got The Vision?
What is a Business Vision?
The Vision is a big picture statement. It must be powerful, summarised in one memorable or motivating sentence or phrase.
It should be general in scope and not restricting.
It should state a strong conviction or belief that others will want to share.
It must inspire you, your team and your customers.
The process of how you go about achieving the Vision is sometimes called the Mission.
The Mission
The Mission is a set of internal statements on how you will achieve the vision. For example, if part of your Vision includes people having fun, then the Mission will include a statement on how you and your business will do this.
You can think of the message as a road map. A number of key points that will get you to your destination. (Vision)
Mission are normally longer than a Vision statement. (1 to 2 pages)
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So why do you need a Vision?
Your Vision drives every decision in your business.
What support will we provide our customer?
What quality of product will we make?
Are material and equipment selection capable of delivering the product quality?
Are our promotion identifying with our potential customer?
Each of these questions needs to be taken back to the Vision.
Are we achieving our Vision Statement with this decision?
Knowing exactly what your business is all about is one of the best ways to exhibit confidence, trust and knowledge to prospective customers. Changing mid-stream will only confuse the message that your customers are receiving and damage the perception already established.
Defining your Vision
Crafting your statement is a task that can be overwhelming, especially if you're not a wordsmith. Don't expect to sit down over lunch and develop the right Vision Statement.
Here are a few tips:
Ask yourself "Why?"
Will it make customers want to do business with us?
How are we different from your competition?
What do customers say about dealing with us.
Review complaints or compliments with customers.
Making money is not the Vision - it may be the result of operating your business, but it is not normally the Vision.
Now you have a Vision
Once your vision has been established, Share it .... but don't just copy it and send it to your customers or staff. Live it, convey it, educate with it, empower with it. For example, a vision with a "fast response statement" therefore the business website should state this and how the fast response is achieved.
Convey your company’s values - inspire and motivate your team embrace the objectives and culture that you wish to establish - build long-lasting and consistent ideals that are clear and easy for everyone to understand.
Once developed, your Vision Statement will provide a firm understanding of what your business is about to yourself, your staff and customers. The Vision Statement is a fundamental element of your business communications and is one of the first step a business will take toward developing a cohesive image and communications approach.